Tuesday, September 2, 2008


So, while it has only been a month since the thoughts truly began to come together as a cohesive form and not random atoms floating around in the black holes of our brains, we have accomplished a lot!!!! I couldn't be happier with the progress of the organization thus far. Yes, it has been time consuming (sorry kids for the extra TV you have so happily suffered throught the past couple weeks - I am setting limits for my time here as well as your time there, sorry:) and I have been overwhelmed with all the who, what when, where's, it has truly been a labor of love. Please do not misunderstand me, we are nowhere near done. We have not even filed the first piece of paperwork with the state, BUT we do have a name, rough by-laws, a "parked" domain, rough letter to businesses. I am being guided by an angel of my own. Someone I have never me has been emailing me and helping give me info on how to start. Thank you so much Nikki. She doesn't know it, but as a former special ed teacher, I wholeheartedly applaud what she is doing. (http://www.specialstudentsofhernando.com/) Perhaps, if life had turned out different, her's would be a road I would have pursued harder. Anyway, I just wanted to get a posting up to see in print how much we have accomplished. It is more gratifying to look at what I have done than what remains. I will not be deterred from this however, as my thoughts and energy for this advenure seem endless.

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"Look up and not down; look forward and not back; look out and not in; and lend a hand."

~E.E. Hale